Thursday, April 10, 2008

Beach Portraits

why is it that people like the beach?  is it the ocean?  ie water that tastes bad, burns your eyes, and that creatures live in? or is it the beautiful sand?  ie little grains of dirt that are impossible to get completely off your body once on?  i wonder.  is it the peacefulness?  well... that doesn't really work because the beach is always crowded with mommies, daddies, kids, and pets.  don't forget the lovely colorful umbrellas.  man, i think i would like to own a colorful beach umbrella.  maybe i would like the beach more if i had a cute accessory.  maybe.

i have 20 minutes until my next family portraits.  i'm so glad i brought my laptop.  ptl for wireless.  i am drinking a nice cold mountain dew.  why not dr pepper?  not sure... just felt like a change.  i have come to the realization that i am definitely addicted to caffeine.  had a major headache before mr mt dew came into my day.  

its been a good week.  i really enjoyed being able to attend interface's concert on sunday pm in the sanct.  it was great.  i was super bummed when i realized i had a wedding to assist... but thankful that i was able to switch some things.  i really miss good quality worship.  you know the type that you are just lost completely in the presence of God.  sunday morning worship is great, don't get me wrong... but it is all broken up with announcements, offerings, and altar time.  i like having the chance to lock in!  not being in masters, these moments are few and far between.  i miss it.  

well mist, i hope i can continue to blog for you.  ha.


misty said...

you make me SO proud... keep it up!

if i never get to see you & rarely get to talk to you, you better believe i stalk you online to pretend like i am still part of your life... love you so much!

Alicia Candelora said...

I love how often you update your blog. And I thought I was bad....