Sunday, September 14, 2008

this week... i've been reflecting on how i influence people.  i've always said that i desire to be a woman of influence... whose life impacts those around her.  have i been living that?  i want to give the people i come in contact with JESUS. not a recycled jesus... that is what i think he should be or what i want him to be.  but straight up JESUS... without me getting in the way.  these are the thoughts that have been running through my head.  this morning at church... i had a revelation.  i need the Holy Spirit (thank you Pastor Betzer for this sermon.  I NEEDED TO HEAR IT).  duh!  what was i doing trying to give people JESUS through my own abilities!  at the moment i surrender things to him... that's when he's able to be in me!  with his power... i am able to influence people and be a light!  

Jesus... i need your Spirit!  let me never live in my own strength and abilities.  let me find everything i need in you!

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